How To Get Started With Blogging

If you’re here you probably know what a blog is and you’re probably interested in starting a blog for your business website. You may want to know why you should start a blog for your business’ website and, after knowing why you should, know how to get started.

Well, to start, blogging is a core part of Content Marketing. This blog article right here is Content Marketing. Through Content Marketing we’re providing advice to current and potential clients to gain trust and credibility for our brand. It also shows these potential customers we know what we’re talking about. Finally, there are a number of SEO benefits to blogging. It does this by making your site more keyword rich, creating internal links throughout your site and answering long tail keyword questions.

Regardless of all of that, it can be difficult to come up with things to write about. Here we’ll give you a few ideas to get you started.

Figuring Out What To Write About For Your Business’ Blog

If you peruse our marketing blog, you’ll notice that we blog about digital marketing. It’s kind of an obvious topic for a digital marketing agency. Beyond generally generating blog ideas using some of the methods below, we also regularly read other industry blogs to stay educated on changes in our industry and get ideas to expand on.

Here’s some ideas on what to write about, regardless of industry.

Benefits Of Your Product or Service

This is always a good place to start. You know your business’ product or service better than anyone else. To this end you should be able to easily write down five to ten benefits of your product. If you can write down five to ten benefits of your service, you have five to ten blog articles right there.

Take, for example, a catering business. You may want to write about why having a professional caterer for a dinner party is better than doing itself. Another article may be about how a professional caterer may be more cost effective for certain events.

Unique Ways to Use Your Product Service

Beyond simple benefits of your product, there may be unique ways to use your product that haven’t occurred to your customers. These revelations are a great thing to write about and may even inspire your customers to buy more of your product for this unique use.

For example a brewery or a winery may want to write articles with recipes that use beer or wine.

Look At What People Are Searching For and Answer Questions

There are a number of tools out there like Moz or ahrefs that can help you find what people are searching for. While there are free tiers to a lot of these tools, you don’t get full functionality until you pay.

However, you can get a lot of ideas simply by using Google. Google anything and you’ll see a section that says “people also ask.” These are great writing prompts to get you started.

Create a Content Calendar

Once you have all of your ideas, write them down. We find it much more efficient to do article ideation in batches. That way you have a number ideas, and when it’s time to write, you can just sit down and write rather than coming up with an idea.

With this in mind a content calendar can be a good tool to keep you on track and on schedule. All you need to do it decide on how often you’ll be blogging (fortnightly works well)  and create a calendar of when you’ll be writing your articles.

Share Everything on Social Media and Email

Once you’re making these blog articles you need to promote them. As mentioned, blogging can have positive SEO impacts, and that traffic will come over time. However, it’s also important you promote your articles with your existing audiences.

This means making sure you share your articles on social media and in your newsletter. This is how blogging can be used for continuous interaction with your customers.

Need Help? Get In Touch

If you’re busy trying to run your business you may have some great ideas, but you may not have time to do all this writing. Writing, proofreading, and posting takes time. That’s why we have a copywriting service. We can research, plan, and write your blog articles for you, as well as any other digital marketing services you might need.